News from the North Pole
I have never been to the North Pole in my wildest imagination so why I should be writing about news about it. Well, if I do not have a conscience I would not be doing so. Being human, I do have one and what I can fathom, there is much to tell from the North Pole, if I am not judge wrong.
Besides my cap slowly getting erode due to the increase in temperature, to what they call global warming, that is a result of ever growing human activity due to excessive discharge of green house gases into the atmosphere and the fast increase in water levels in the seas and oceans around the world, much of the species depending on me being firm and solid, have begun to lose their means of sustenance.
You may come to my part of the world and not find a single living soul all because my whiteness gives protection to them as they are of the same colour as I am. Besides this most of the them live below me than above. I manage to sustain a whole new ecosystem which is vastly different from what normally humans are used to. And the survival of this system is the natural health of the whole planet.
Sadly, this is not to be. This fresh water that I hold in my folds are getting depleted slowly as the increase in temperature. The vast expansion of ice I hold is dwindling as I write this for you. If I am not wrong, by the end of this century, I doubt that there would be any ice left in my caps. What would then happen to those that depend on me for their survival.
Presently, many species are on the brink of extinction like the Polar Bear and a number of others besides him. I believe no action is taking place even though it is detrimental to humanity as a whole, is because of the precious mineral wealth that lies below me than above.
Countries which lie on my boundaries are ready to colonize me and make wealth for themselves. They believe this to be of vital importance rather than the importance of the planet as a whole.
When I am no longer there, there will also no longer be island nations and coastal regions around the world. These island and coastal nations would be submerged below the water that I am made to increase in the water bodies. This please do not blame me is not due to my own will but I have no control over what is being done to me.
You as humans need to put pressure on your governments around to world to put an end to those detrimental activities which are making it so. If you are able to control yourselves, I bet there is a change of the worst not coming to bear. But, this is a far cry, humans are bothered more on their short term gains which makes their immediate living more luxurious.
Remember, that I would one day be dead and gone, and it would either be you or your children that would have to bear the consequence of your present deeds.
From the North Pole
Steven William Pitts
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